Aspiring television and film celebrities in the media queue and behind the scenes.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ciara Meets Wendy's Get Close Winner Dominique Steele!

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Take a look at this lucky win­ner who was flown out to Los An­ge­les to meet the love­ly Cia­ra and was fit­ting­ly giv­en the Hol­ly­wood treat­ment. Aside from an in­ter­view, Do­minique Steele stayed in the heart of Hol­ly­wood, did some shop­ping on Mel­rose Ave, got her hair and make up done with Cia­ra's Glam Squad, had a pho­to­shoot with Cia­ra as Di­rec­tor, and topped off the amaz­ing day with tick­ets to Cia­ra's per­for­mance at The Black Eyed Peas Ben­e­fit Con­cert. If this wasn't an op­por­tu­ni­ty of a life­time, I don't know what is. Cia­ra tru­ly has love for her fans, and this op­por­tu­ni­ty for one to Get as Close as she did re­al­ly shows.


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